Email ads that work with any ESP

Whether you're using Mailchimp, Substack or even Gmail. Our solutions are platform agnostic.

We're platform agnostic

Our ads work with any ESP so whether you're using Mailchimp, Substack, Gmail or even LinkedIn Newsletters, inserting our ads couldn't be easier.
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Trusted by 100s of premium advertisers
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Three simple steps to insert an advert

Download the ad creative and copy.
Style it into your newsletter like your regular content.
Hyperlink the tracking URL.

Tracking Link

Hyperlink the tracking URL to the advert creative and copy, and we'll track and pay you for each click.


You'll have a choice to insert the logo, lifestyle image or have no image at all.
iPhone mockup


The headline is mandatory as is the main CTA for the advertiser to encourage your subscriber to click on the ad.

Body Copy

The ad body is the main content of the advert that provides more information and context.
Advert management

Surefast ways to monetize

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and maximise adverts you run.
Adverts allocated per newsletter per month
Average commission earnings per month
Dashboard mockup
Credit card mockups

Unqiue tracking links

Each advert allocated to you is provisioned with a unique tracking link that we ask you to hyperlink to the advert in your newsletter!

Real-time payments

Everytime your unique advert link is clicked, commission is added to your dashboard in real-time.

Your choice of ads

You will get a list of ads that you pick from, and you can style the advert into your newsletter as you see fit.

Ad Network

Browse the publishers on our marketplace and see which newsletters are running email ads.


Read our reviews and testimonials from newsletters and advertisers using our platform to run email ads.


See what features are on offer and what it costs to join our ad network as a publisher or advertiser.

Knowledge Base

Get answers to some of our most frequently asked questions, or read our implementation guides.

Sign up for instant access to all our email ad tools

Join over 700+ advertisers and publishers that are already growing with PostApex.